Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Crucial Decade and After America 1945-1960 free essay sample

A book survey on Goldmans work about the change of the post-World War II harmony into the globalization of the Cold War. The paper decides to demonstrate that, while Eric Goldman is important as a wellspring of insights regarding the time, his work holds little an incentive as a chronicled bit of work. It follows the life of Goldman and his composition of the work. It scrutinizes the absence of objectivity in the work and clarifies the explanations behind this need. It takes a gander at the dissimilarity recorded as a hard copy style of the work and closes by assessing the works an incentive all in all. To the extent the significance to his topic, it is hard to track down issue in Goldmans work. He doesn't meander from the point and his work is engaged. His plan was to give a diagram of the occasions that molded the virus War. We will compose a custom paper test on The Crucial Decade and After: America 1945-1960 or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page He approaches numerous first individual records of discussions and letters composed at that point, which different students of history could just dream about. He knows little know realities and stories, some of which he saw with his own eyes. His inclusion of the point is exhaustive and complete.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chinese Attitudes About Death Essays - Death Customs,

Chinese Attitudes About Death Since the commencement of humankind, passing has consistently been an interest. Individuals have consistently pondered about the reasons for death, the repercussions of death, furthermore, regardless of whether it could be halted. Among these individuals were the Chinese, who like numerous others, accepted there was eternal life. They played out certain ceremonies to help them along their way. Chinese perspectives toward death are reflected in funerary customs, Buddhist way of thinking and adoration for the expired. Passing is a significant issue to the Chinese individuals. The child of a family has the commitment to give his folks a legitimate memorial service. This incorporates such basic components as; an enormous final resting place, a memorial service parade, a very much picked gravesite, endowments and contributions to the spirit of the expired, a time of grieving, and keeping a tribal hallowed place. On the off chance that a Chinese child neglects to follow these commitments, he has submitted a genuine offense against society.1 The Chinese put stock in giving a legitimate memorial service to their older folks since when the older folks were alive, they had imparted their encounters and information to the youthful. The Chinese followed the prerequisites to an appropriate memorial service since they put stock in recalling the dead, who were once near them. They needed to recollect the dead by imploring them every day and making them contributions. The Chinese accepted that there were sure customs that were important beyond a shadow of a doubt occasions. For instance, during a wedding, the Chinese accepted that the couple must bow to the guardians and offer them tea. At exactly that point, can the couple be cheerfully hitched. Since the Chinese have faith in playing out specific customs without a doubt occasions, any individual who doesn't give his folks an appropriate burial service would have taunted conventional convictions. This child would be considered as an outcast in his town and viewed as grimy by his neighbors. To the Chinese, being covered in a casket was significant. Chinese individuals needed to cover the dead in final resting places to safeguard their bodies, shield them from rotting as quick. In spite of the fact that the spirit of the individual was to proceed onward, the Chinese needed to spare the body as an approach to recall the older. To certain individuals being covered in a final resting place is so significant that they preferably spend their cash on a final resting place over on essential arrangements. Despite the fact that internment in a final resting place is liked, incinerations additionally happen. A incineration is the point at which a cadaver is put on a fire and consumed to remains. In the urban areas of present day China, in view of the incredible overpopulation and absence of usable land, the administration has made incineration a need. Incineration is moreover supported in provincial zones in endeavors of sparing arable land for cultivating. Since the individuals living in the rustic zones are ranchers who can give their own necessities and are autonomous of the administration, they are progressively worried about their conventional convictions and practices than the worries of the legislature. In the towns, workers start sparing to purchase final resting places for themselves after they pass the age of sixty; which was viewed as the quantity of years a real existence cycle ought to be.2 People have guaranteed that if an individual kicked the bucket before turning sixty years old, he/she was a short-life fallen angel. Because of this conviction, the individuals that kicked the bucket before turning the age of sixty years of age were not covered and left any place the happened to drop.3 To show how significant covering the dead is, the Chinese recruit old individuals who know about the old shrewdness of feng-shui, or the spirits of the breeze and water. This sort of old workmanship was likewise called geomancy. The motivation behind why the Chinese recruit old individuals is since they need somebody who is knowledgeable about the field, not somebody who's new and had as of late took in it from books. The Chinese accept that the more experience an individual has, the more solid is that individual. The geomancer made a difference the dead select great destinations for graves.4 These good locales not just had to be reasonable to the family yet needed to carry good karma to the family and guarantee that there will be no detestable spirits frequenting them. Like the conventional relational arranger, the geomancer is regarded for his knowledge and involvement with life. A few similitudes between the employments of the intermediary and geomancer are those of which the two of them check the social statuses of their customers. The relational arranger has to ensure that he doesn't coordinate a rich youngster to a poor young fellow, and the geomancer needs to ensure that he picks a gravesite that is moderate

Friday, August 21, 2020

Human Population and Population Growth

In early years human populace and populace development has not been an issue. This is a direct result of the wide range of ecological variables. Disorder and malady has assumed a huge job in monitoring human populace since the get-go. It appeared that when a populace would get stuffed a plague, for example, the flu or little pox would break out. This would radically diminish the populace enough that it would be leveled out once more. Starvation is another extraordinary controller of populace. At the point when a starvation strikes a zone just the couple of with enough nourishment will have the option to imitate or even endure. An assessment of total populace control would not be finished with out including war. War additionally performs stands amazed at controlling populace by killing most men of youngster raising age. In today†s day and age, with our ebb and flow innovation expands sickness flare-up and starvation (aside from in some third world nations) isn't quite a bit of a factor any more. War isn't viewed as a substantial populace control technique due to today†s â€Å"new† wars. Without the three biggest populace controllers quite a bit of a factor any more, populace is allowed to come up short on control. This gives us an ever-expanding discussion; this is whether government or society should direct family estimate. I accept that society can encroach circuitous powers over family size, however these are viewed as greater network standards rather than hard quick principles, for example, governments can set. Two models will follow. To begin with, we will take a gander at our general public. Truly, the USA†s go to no youngster and one-kid families. This was brought about by society. Society pushes Americans to have fruitful vocations both male and female. There has been a change from families to professions. This doesn't furnishing Americans with the time or means for different kids, yet chopping the number down to one or none. Another case of society's control is the push in some Asian/Middle Eastern nations for a family†s first kid to be male. In any event, when there is no administration guideline numerous societies push for your first kid to be male. This powers families to prematurely end females and even homicide them once they have been conceived. By and by this is a general public/social push not an ordered standard. These examples are what various social orders have made for themselves, when remembered for one of these social orders it is difficult to state whether it is correct or wrong. I will initially address the viewpoint that legislature ought not control family size. As a matter of first importance, it is a characteristic and strict option to create posterity. Breed, increase and populate has been the conviction since the very beginning. The thought is to develop populace with the goal that our convictions and lifestyle might be spread and passed on. Why should government remove these right? Administrative authority over family size conflicts with everything that the USA represents. This would be a well established thought called opportunity. At the point when an administration begins directing the sort and size of family an individual can have. Practically all opportunity is lost. Another theme quickly tended to above is the prematurely ending and killing of children that aren†t male. A direct case of this is China. China manages or offers motivating forces to families that lone produce one kid. This is the place the issue starts on the grounds that most families need this youngster to be male. Male kids are suppliers and will go out and join the working scene. They will be â€Å"successful†. Numerous female children are prematurely ended once sex is resolved. On the off chance that sex isn't resolved before birth, when brought into the world numerous female infants are relinquished or devastated. This demonstrating the mercilessness that legislature controlled family size will push individuals to. Government should control family measure on the grounds that in many cases everyone can't deal with this for themselves. A prime case of this is our effectively stuffed downtowns. Individuals with synthetic addictions and no budgetary methods are wrenching out infants right and left. They have no methods for accommodating these kids. Government presently accommodates these under special youngsters, that as pitiless as it sounds, ought not have been conceived. I have had a direct case of this issue. A family companion in another state has received three split infants from a similar mother; this mother is additionally on government assistance. This specific mother is in no way, shape or form an exemption. China is another case of why government needs to control populace. Take a gander at the present issues that they are confronted with in light of the fact that in earlier years they have sat idle. Left uncontrolled, populace will snowball crazy. Government should know about the ever - expanding populace development issue. I accept that fairly that commanding what number of kids a family can have. They ought to teach its populace on various methods for anti-conception medication and potentially begin accommodating free. Particularly in this nation a harsher punishments should be forced for compound ward moms that become child production lines. Instruction/the executives plan can be forced permitting people the opportunity to decide the quantity of kids they want to have.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Best Scholarships in Arkansas

​Many people have higher education goals as they understand that people with college degrees make higher salaries and have a better chance of advancement in their careers than those who do not. Even in careers that don’t require college degrees, a post-secondary diploma can increase earning power significantly. Unfortunately, too many people believe that attending college is nothing more than a dream as they don’t think they can afford tuition. For residents of Arkansas, there are many scholarships available that can help defray the cost of a college education as well as some that will provide full tuition for eligible applicants. 1.Academic Challenge Scholarship The Academic Challenge Scholarship is for Arkansas residents who are pursuing higher education. The scholarship is available to students just graduating from high school, enrolled in college or re-enrolling after a period out of college. Students must have a GPA of 2.5 if they have earned 12 credit hours or more or a score of 19 or higher on the ACT. If the student is a high school graduate, they must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must submit a separate, official transcript from every college or university they attend.You can learn more about the ​Academic Challenge Scholarship here. 2.American Legion Auxiliary Department of Arkansas Nurses Scholarship The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Arkansas Nurses Scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to veteran’s children in Arkansas who desire to study nursing. There is one $500 award each year. Applicants must be Arkansas residents, and the child must have at least one parent who is a veteran who meets the criteria for membership in the American Legion. The student must be aa high school senior or recent graduate. Recipients are determined by their character, Americanism, leadership, financial need and academic achievement.You can learn more about the ​American Legion Auxiliary Department of Arkansas Nurses Scholarship here. 3.Ann Burns Smith Scholarship Endowment The Ann Burns Smith Scholarship is for alternative education students who reside in Arkansas. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent and be attending a college or university that is regionally accredited. The application can be completed online, and the scholarship is for $500. The scholarship is managed by the Arkansas Community Foundation.You can learn more about the ​Ann Burns Smith Scholarship Endowment here. 4.AQHA Swayze Woodruff Memorial Mid-South Scholarship The American Quarter Horse Association offers scholarships to their youth affiliate ambassadors who are youth leaders actively involved through their state affiliation. AQHA ambassadors from 19 states, including Alabama, are eligible to apply for the scholarships. Applicants must be in their senior year of high school and must maintain a GPA of 2.5. Current or previous awardees are not eligible to apply. The award is applied to a four-year undergraduate degree program, but the awardee can choose any degree program at any college or university in the United States.You can learn more about theAQHA Swayze Woodruff Memorial Mid-South Scholarship here. 5.Arkansas Chamber Singers Vocal/Choral Music Scholarship The Arkansas Chamber Singers Vocal/Choral Music Scholarship is designed to promote the art of choral music. Applicants must master the skills and acquire the knowledge necessary to bring high quality to choral music performances in Arkansas. Applicants must complete and mail an application as well as a typewritten essay of not more than 300 words detailing the career they hope to obtain in music. Three sealed letters of recommendation are also required, one from a teacher, one from a choral music teacher and one form a community member.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Chamber Singers Vocal/Choral Music Scholarship here. 6.Arkansas Department of Higher Education Minority Grant Program Financial assistance is available for students seeking professional training in chiropractic medicine, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine or veterinary medicine so that they may attend out-of-state institutions. The grant recipient must remain in good academic standing and make satisfactory progress toward a degree. The maximum grant is $5,000, and students must demonstrate financial need.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Department of Higher Education Minority Grant Program here. 7.Arkansas Health Education Grant Program Financial assistance is available for students seeking professional training in chiropractic medicine, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine or veterinary medicine so that they may attend out-of-state institutions. The grant recipient must remain in good academic standing and make satisfactory progress toward a degree. The maximum grant is $5,000, and students must demonstrate financial need.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Health Education Grant Program here. 8.Arkansas High-Tech Scholarship The Arkansas Hi-Tech Scholarship provides $250 per semester, $500 per year, to Arkansas high school graduates who plan to enroll in highly technical programs at a public Arkansas post-secondary school. Applicants must demonstrate leadership capabilities and meet specific academic criteria. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and minimum ACT scores of 19 or 730 on the SAT. Applicants must be ranked in the top ten percent of their graduating class. The scholarship may be continued into the second semester and renewed annually up to four years if the recipient remains a full-time student an achieves a 3.0 GPA.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas High-Tech Scholarship here. 9.Arkansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association Scholarship Children, grandchildren, adopted children or stepchildren of any employee or member of the Arkansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association may apply for a $1,000 scholarship. The member may be a ready mix producer or associate member. Along with the application, three character references from non-relatives and a transcript must be submitted. There is also an essay required as part of the application. The scholarship is a one-time scholarship, but recipients may reapply each year. Applications may be handwritten but must be printed, or they may be typed.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association Scholarship here. 10.Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship The Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship assists children of Arkansas residents who died in service to the state, nation or local communities. Awards are given based on financial need, scholarship, and leadership. Along with the application, students must provide a written narrative of one-half to one page explaining extra-curricular activities, leadership roles in your school and community as well as how the scholarship will further life goals. Also, a transcript, copy of a birth certificate verifying parental identity and a brief note or letter that describes the circumstances of the parent’s death.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship here. 11.Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund The Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship is for single parents in Arkansas who are pursuing a course of instruction that will improve their earning potential. Applicants must be a single parent living in Arkansas and be considered economically disadvantaged. They must have custodial care of one or more children under the age of 18, and they may not have a degree from a four-year institution. Other requirements may differ from county to county which may require specific programs of study, income level, GPA and financial aid eligibility.You can learn more about the ​Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund here. 12.ARNF Research Grant Arkansas Nurses Foundation Research Grant provides scholarships nurses who are conducting a research project approved by an IRB in any regionally accredited institute of higher learning. Applicants must hold an Arkansas Nursing license in good standing and those who hold a bachelor’s degree must have graduated from a program accredited by the NLNAC or CCNE. An application is required as well as a paragraph statement that explains how the applicant perceives the research will be used by nurses in Arkansas. A cover letter stating short and long term career goals as well as how the grant being sought will enhance those goals is also required. A financial assistance statement that describes any grants, funding or stipends is required as well as a statement of approval from an Institutional Review Board governing ethical treatment of subjects in a research study. Applicants must also provide a current resume.You can learn more about the ​ARNF Research Grant here. 13.Art Porter Music Education Memorial Scholarship Program The Art Porter Music Foundation offers a $3,000.00 scholarship that is awarded over four years to a graduating senior. The scholarship is awarded in four instalments, $1,500 the first year, $500 for the next three consecutive years. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 each year. Applicants must demonstrate musical talent and plan to pursue a music degree and career. Letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s musical and academic capabilities as well as their character are required. The applicant must agree to serve the state of Arkansas for at least one year after graduation. Applicants must reside in the state of Arkansas at the time of application.You can learn more about the ​Art Porter Music Education Memorial Scholarship Program here. 14.ATT War Memorial Scholarship The ATT War Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a veteran of any branch of the Armed Forces who plans to attend a two- or four-year college or university in Arkansas. The applicant must be a veteran of the United States Armed Services and a current resident of Arkansas. Applicant must demonstrate financial need, community leadership and the potential to succeed in college. The scholarship is $2,500 and was created by ATT to honor Arkansas’ 25 Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.You can learn more about the ​ATT War Memorial Scholarship here. 15. Betty Black Hatchett Scholarship The Betty Black Hatchett Scholarship is for members of Kappa Alpha Theta. There is no minimum GPA for the scholarship and awards may be used for tuition, course-related fees, and required textbooks or supplies. Although transcripts are not necessary with the application, they will be required if the applicant is chosen as a recipient. Students must reside in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, or Texas.You can learn more about the ​Betty Black Hatchett Scholarship here. 16.Bird Dog Foundation Essay Contest The Bird Dog Foundation offers a scholarship to promote wildlife conservation and related subjects. Through their College Scholarship Essay Contest, two high school seniors residing in Arkansas, Mississippi or Tennessee may qualify for a $1,500 scholarship. Applicants may not be related to an employee or sitting board member of the Bird Dog Foundation. The essay must be between 900 and 1,000 words on a topic chosen by the foundation each year. A cover sheet must accompany the essay to include the title, student name, home mailing address, home and/or cell number, email address, the date the essay was completed and the name of the student’s high school.You can learn more about the ​Bird Dog Foundation Essay Contest here. 17.Church’s Chicken Community Scholarship Program The Church’s Partners Foundation provides scholarships to students residing in 16 eligible states, including Arkansas, who plan to further their education. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors and home school students are eligible to apply. Applicants must have a minimum 2.7 GPA and be a resident of the United States. Applicants must plan to enroll part- or full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational school. The maximum scholarship is $1,000, and there is one award.You can learn more about the ​Church’s Chicken Community Scholarship Program here. 18.Cornerstone Scholarship Charitable Trust Disadvantaged high school students and post high school graduates throughout Arkansas who are under the age of 25 are eligible to apply for the Cornerstone Scholarship Charitable Trust. Applicants must be economically disadvantaged and have completed a high school diploma at the time they apply. They must plan to enroll at an accredited university, college or vocational school. Applicants must have roots in Arkansas and be between 17 to 25 years old.You can learn more about the Cornerstone Scholarship Charitable Trust here.​ 19.Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship Students who are residents of Arkansas may apply for the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship. Students must be planning to enter a two- or four-year degree program to study one of the following:Agricultural CommunicationsAgronomyBusiness ManagementCrop ScienceEconomicsEducationExtensionFinanceJournalismMarketingPlant Pathology/Breeding/GeneticsPublic RelationsSalesSoil Science​Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and one scholarship in each eligible state will be awarded.You can learn more about the ​Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa Scholarship here. 20.Florence Wood Scholarship Students who are enrolled and have completed at least one year of occupational therapy specific courses in an AOTA accredited program or who are enrolled in an occupational therapy assistant program may apply for the Florence Wood Scholarship. The $500 scholarship is available to Arkansas residents, and they must be seeking their first degree in occupational therapy. Applicants must have a sustained record of outstanding scholastic achievement and must provide an application, two references as well as a statement from their program director.You can learn more about theFlorence Wood Scholarship here. 21.Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship The Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship is for students who are enrolled ina baccalaureate or higher degree program. Preference is given to students enrolled in electronics, communications or related fields. Applicants residing in the FCC Fifth Call District, which includes Arkansas, are also given preference and must be attending school within that district. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and must be licensed amateur radio operator. The award is for $500.You can learn more about the ​Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship here. 22.Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship The Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship is an academically rigorous award offered to seniors who score a 32 or higher on the ACT or a 1410 or higher on the SAT. They must also have a 3.5 academic GPA. Students who are named National Merit Finalists, or National Achievement Scholars may qualify without the GPA requirement, although the ACT/SAT requirements remain. The award may be used for tuition, fees, room and board up to $10,000 per year.You can learn more about the ​Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship here. 23.Icy Lee Rainey Scholarship The Icy Lee Rainey Scholarship is designed for non-traditional students who are mothers. Applicants can be married, widowed or divorced who have stayed at home with their children for a minimum of two years and who live in Faulkner, Washington, Conway or St. Francis Counties. Awards are based on financial need, community leadership and the potential to succeed in college. If academic progress is shown, the scholarship is renewable. Applicants must provide a high school transcript, one letter of recommendation from a non-relative and a 500-word essay by the applicant describing how they meet the criteria of the scholarship as well as how they will use their education to align with the legacy of Icy Rainey.You can learn more about the ​Icy Lee Rainey Scholarship hï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿ere. 24.Law Enforcement Officers’ dependent Scholarship Dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement officers, highway and transportation employees and other public employees who were killed in the line of duty are eligible to apply for the Law Enforcement Officers’ Dependent Scholarship. To qualify, the applicant must be the natural, adopted or stepchild of a public employee who died in the course of going to or returning from or in the performance of their duties. Spouses may also apply. Along with the application, the student must provide documentation in the form of a death certificate, an order and finding of facts from the Arkansas State Claims Commission, a copy of their birth certificate and a copy of their marriage license if they are a spouse.You can learn more about the ​Law Enforcement Officers’ dependent Scholarship here. 25.Higher Education Opportunities Grant Students who can demonstrate financial need may apply for the Higher Education Opportunities Grant for up to $1,000 for full-time and $500 for part-time studies. Students must be an Arkansas resident for at least one year before their application and must meet the requirements for financial need. They must attend an approved Arkansas institution. The FAFSA is required to qualify.You can learn more about the ​Higher Education Opportunities Grant here. 26.Merwin T. and Agnes Bowman Nursing Scholarship Students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a qualified college or university or who is seeking to license as a Registered Nurse may apply for the Merwin T. and Agnes Bowman Nursing Scholarship. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and community involvement as well as the potential to succeed in college. Two letter from non-relatives and a brief essay explain why the applicant meets the criteria as well as how they plan to use their education are also required. Scholarships may be used to attend either two- or four-year schools in Arkansas.You can learn more about the ​Merwin T. and Agnes Bowman Nursing Scholarship here. 27.Military Dependents Scholarship Military dependents whose parent or spouse was killed in the line of duty can apply for the Military Dependents Scholarship. Parents and spouses who were prisoners of war, entirely or permanently disabled are also eligible to apply. Applicants must provide a death certificate certifying the death of the parent or spouse as well as a Report of Casualty from the appropriate branch of the Armed Forces. Applicants must also provide documentation from the Department of Veterans Affairs and a statement from the Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program. A copy of a birth certificate, adoption papers or marriage license must also be provided.You can learn more about the ​Military Dependents Scholarship here. 28.Murray T. Harris Allied Health Scholarship The Murray T. Harris Allied Health Scholarship provides students in Washington and Benton Counties the opportunity to pursue a degree in allied health programs. Programs include, but are not limited to, radiology technicians, clinical laboratory scientists, nursing and respiratory therapy. The scholarship is provided to those who enter an underserved health profession in an effort to attract more candidates to those fields. It is a $1,000 scholarship and the application can be found online.You can learn more about the ​Murray T. Harris Allied Health Scholarship here. 29.NAJA Graduate Scholarship Program Students who plan to work directly with children may apply to the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc. (NAJA) scholarship. Applicants must be pursuing graduate-level studies for one year in fields of study that may include counseling, working with exceptional or gifted and talented children as well as those that are hearing impaired. Degrees in mental health, psychology, remedial skills development, speech pathology and special education are also eligible programs. Students must be planning to work directly with children so educational administration degree programs are not eligible to apply. Applicants must be residents of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas.You can learn more about the ​NAJA Graduate Scholarship Program here. 30.NIADA Foundation Regional Scholarship The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) Foundation provides $3,500 scholarships to a student in each region of their organization. Applicants must display outstanding abilities in education and be classified at a high school senior residing in Region III, which includes Arkansas. Applicants must have an outstanding achievement record. They must also demonstrate an aptitude for college work based on ACT or SAT scores.You can learn more about the​NIADA Foundation Regional Scholarship here. 31.Poultry Federation Scholarship The Poultry Federation offers scholarships to Arkansas students already attending college who are pursuing a degree in the poultry and egg business. There are four types of scholarships available:College Sophomore ​College JuniorCollege SeniorGraduate StudentGraduate students must be pursuing a degree in poultry/animal science. Applicants must submit a personal essay, transcript, and an online application.You can learn more about the ​Poultry Federation here. 32.Presbyterian Student Opportunity Scholarship Presbyterian students who are full-time degree students attending accredited United states institutions may apply for the Presbyterian Student Opportunity Scholarship. Applicants must be a member of the Presbyterian Church and have completed their first year of college. They must be enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university and have a GPA of 2.5 or above. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Awards are for up to $2,000 for students seeking a bachelor’s degree.You can learn more about the ​Presbyterian Student Opportunity Scholarship here. 33.Second Effort Scholarship A scholarship is available for students with the top ten GED scores during the previous calendar year. Recipients must be at least 18 years of age or a former member of a high school class that has graduated. The recipient many not have graduated from a traditional high school and must be a citizen of the United States or permanent resident alien. The recipient must have passed the Arkansas High School Diploma GED test and must have been an Arkansas resident for at least 12 months.You can learn more about the ​Second Effort Scholarship here. 34.Sheffield Nelson University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law School Fund Arkansas residents who attend the University of Little Rock who are enrolled full-time in the law school may apply for the Sheffield Nelson Scholarship. Applicants must be United States citizens and must demonstrate outstanding academics and community service. Also, awards are based on participation in athletics, the student’s future goals and recommendations provided by faculty or advisers. Financial need is also used in determining recipients. The number of awards given each year varies and it is a non-renewable scholarship. In addition to the law school scholarship, the foundation also provides scholarships to the University of Central Arkansas and students of Brinkley High School, all alma maters of Mr. Sheffield.You can learn more about the ​Sheffield Nelson University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law School Fund here. 35.Teacher Opportunity Program Grants are available for current Arkansas teachers and administrators who want to further their education. Teachers may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for up to six credit hours for an academic year, not to exceed $3,000. Applicants must be residents of Arkansas and hold a valid teacher license with the Arkansas Department of Education. They must be currently employed as a classroom teacher, librarian, specialist, guidance counselor or administrator. They must have been employed for at least three years and be accepted into a teacher education program. Students must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.You can learn more about the ​Teacher Opportunity Program here.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Business Strategy Concepts Nike Inc. - 1034 Words

1. Business Strategy Concepts amp; Nike Inc. Nike generic strategy for competitive advantage emphasizes product mix diversity. Nike analyzes what products should be handled and what characteristics should meet to aim success. When applying a competitive strategy, the product plays a role as a link between supply and demand, so the success is determined by the ability of the company to overtake the competition and of course, by the quality of the product from the client’s perspective. Nike adapts their products to different markets, striving for diversity and reaching all kind of consumers. To keep its position in the market and competitive advantage over other players in the same industry, Nike must safeguard that its business strategy and intensive growth strategies are always suited to current business conditions. 1.1 Nike’s Business Strategy and Intensive Growth Strategies: Business Strategy: Nike’s strategy is competitive advantage based on costs. In this strategy, the company minimizes production costs striving to maximize profitability. In other words, Nike’s generic strategy is to increase sales by offering a great product at accessible cost. Nike needs to keep its prices as low as to its competency and ensure that the product is appealing to the consumer. To reach all markets, Nike reduces the costs and the selling prices of its athletic shoes and other products, and it helps the company to maintain its competitiveness, especially against otherShow MoreRelatedNike and the Concept of Integrated Marketing Communications894 Words   |  4 PagesNike and the Concept of IMC: The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications is an important factor whose essence is achievement of the need for a holistic approach in the implementation of the tools of marketing communication. The concept can be described as the coordination and integration of every marketing communication tool, source, function, and avenue within an organization into a flawless program that capitalizes the effect of customers and other users at minimal costs. The significanceRead MoreThe Case Of Nike : Review Analysis1334 Words   |  6 Pages Case of Nike: Review Analysis 3 Over the decades, globalization, where economic integration across border allow businesses to expand beyond their domestic boundaries. (Malamud, V. Rotenberg, Y. (2010)); has become a phenomenon that is seen across the globe. Businesses large and both small are able to compete, produce, and sell their products without limits to either demographic or geographic factors. This allows company s to enlarge their base, their workforce, their consumers, and thereforeRead MoreNike : An Innovative Company Essay1092 Words   |  5 Pages1. Introduction NIKE, Inc. is one of the world largest designer and distributor of athletic apparel, footwear, equipment, and sport accessories for various types of fitness and sports activities. With total revenue hit $30 billion USD in 2015 (Statista, 2016), NIKE has developed four big brands, including: NIKE, Jordan, Hurley, and Converse, which each provides a strong connection with different customers. NIKE is a transnational company with five global headquarters, in: Beaverton, Oregon; HilversumRead MoreNike And Challenges Of Nike Inc. Essay1349 Words   |  6 PagesSummary Nike was founded in 1972 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman. The focus of this report would be an analysis of how Nike’s manages and delivers its service to its customers. It also looks into Nike’s emphasis on its product quality and innovative design to meet the ever changing consumer preferences. By looking at its current strategies that Nike adopt and its appropriateness, this report will provide you a better understanding on how consumer see Nike and challenges that Nike Inc. faces.Read MoreNikes beginning history and success.1356 Words   |  6 PagesNike: The Beginnings The Nike Corporation originated from two sources, Bill Bowermans quest for lighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, and Phil Knights search for a way to make a living without having to give up his love of athletics (Hincker 1). Their ideas and actions within Nike have radically changed the way sports, business, and popular cultures interact. This influence is seen best through the history of Nikes formation in its beginning years. The concept that wouldRead MoreNike Marketing Plan Essay1675 Words   |  7 Pagesgiant, Nike. The plan has been adequately substantiated with thorough research on different factors affecting the firm along with various ways of addressing future challenges. This research paper highlights that Nike is confronted with multifarious issues which need to be negotiated amicably. Result of the study concludes that there is still a world waiting for the Nike to be exploited, outsmarting its competitors employing its innovative and creative business strategy. MINI BUSINESS / MARKETINGRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Paper1535 Words   |  7 PagesChristine Jennings MGT/498 Jacqueline Limonta November 17, 2014 Environmental Scan The concept of environmental scanning is important because of the short term and long term success of a company. This tool helps companies scan, monitor, evaluate, and forecast the internal and external parts of the company. In order to obtain an accurate assessment of the internal and external variables of a company, the business managers would have to use a SWOT analysis to develop awareness to different of the companyRead MoreEssay about Finish Line and Foot Locker1175 Words   |  5 Pages †¢ Company Description o Finish Line, Inc. is the second largest leader athletic based company in the United States. The company was founded in 1976 and now operates over 600 stores in 48 states. Finish Line is the franchise company of the Athlete’s Foot in Indianapolis, Indiana. By 1981, the company expanded beyond the 10 franchises they owned. The Athlete’s Foot franchising rights were to operate franchises within the borders of Indiana, so the owners decided to start their own company and namedRead Moreï » ¿Life Cycle with Air Jordan1487 Words   |  6 PagesLife Cycle with Air Jordan Introduction Air Jordan belongs to a famous international brand called â€Å"Nike† which is a pair of legendary shoes. Nike, Inc. is an America transnational corporation that has its own design and technology, and it’s mainly products is clothes, shoes, and equipment etc. The Nike shoes also is one of fortune 500 company, and the rank of Nike, Inc. is 126. (A Time Warner Company, 2013) Different Nike’s Product have unlike Life cycle, because of epidemic and seasonality of productRead MoreCorporate Governance of Nike1748 Words   |  7 Pagescarry on business, which can sue or be sued, can issue shares to raise funds with which to start or to increase its capital is a corporation. There are also non-profit corporations organized for religious, educational, charitable or public service purposes. One of the corporations are the â€Å"Nike, Inc† which in other words can be said a company. And what here will be discussed the process how a corporate body that is Nike govern s, ethic of it and the corporate responsibility of it upon the business world

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Partnerships And Increase Communication Essay

Learning Activities: For the remainder of my time with Dr. Kilgore, my objectives are to work with her regarding team building strategies which will aid in the creation of professional partnerships and increase communication. We will also be working on my final objective of articulating a vision for nursing practice. Analysis – Final Journal During my time with R.K., we will end with the final two core competencies. First, shared decision making, effective communication, and relationship building. Second, knowledge of the health care environment, understanding of shared governance, evidence-based practice, patient care delivery models, and work design knowledge (AONE, 2011). Because of our limited time left, gave me homework to read about TeamSTEPPS training and to identify strategies, skills, and tools that will enhance teamwork. TeamSTEPPS training from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services / Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ). TeamSTEPPS is a program that is intended to increase the safety, quality, and efficiency of health care. This program is built on over 25 years of research on teamwork, culture change, and team training. After doing my research on TeamSTEPPS, I met back with R.K. with what I had found so that she and I could go over my findings. The info rmation I found was surrounding the curriculum of leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, and communication. The program puts an emphasis on defining team skills,Show MoreRelatedFeatures Of Partnership Working1696 Words   |  7 Pageshome is quality focus, open and honest communication and partnership working.† – Hannah Parry Introduction I am currently Acting Manager of a 49-bedded nursing home. I manage a team of nurses, carers, domestic staff, kitchen staff, administrator and activities coordinator. Before being promoted to Acting Manager I was a trained Registered General Nurse (Clinical Lead/Deputy Manager) within the home. During this time I have gained experience of partnership working and its benefits for both serviceRead MoreA Healthcare Partnership in the Community: Discussion Questions903 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Healthcare Partnership Discuss an example of a healthcare partnership in your community and specifically cite examples that show how nurses, both individually and collectively, influenced the care provided. What obstacles were/are confronted, and what strategies were/are employed in order to effectively overcome them? Relate aspects of your policy priority to this community partnership and its goals, barriers, strategies, and political issues.   A healthcare partnership inside the community isRead MoreA Research Study On Physical Therapy1484 Words   |  6 Pagesconducted on the therapeutic partnership, and researchers have discovered a wide array of challenges in forming these relationships. These challenges are especially true among physical therapists and their patients. Patients in physical therapy experience their own challenges like temporary, chronic and permanent states of pain and disability (Sargeant Newsham, 2012). Physical therapy patients are already in very vulnerable state and may be reluctant to form partnerships with their therapists. ManyRead MoreThe Parental Engagement : Iep Program, Implications And Recommendations885 Words   |  4 Pagesrelated to the CLD parental engagement in IEP program, implications and recommendations are also discussed corresponding to those themes. Theme 1 Knowledge of CLD Families Families’ attitudes and understandings of children’s exceptionality. To increase the degree of participation, involvement, and engagement of CLD parents in special education and IEP, besides support from outside environment, the key point is the change of consciousness of each family. Understanding, accepting, respecting, andRead MoreThe Importance Of Knowledge Program836 Words   |  4 Pagesassessment. Improving the residence hall experience In response to a survey of residence hall students that measured outcomes of activities outside the classroom and inside residential properties, residence hall coordinators created new marketing and communication strategies. One such strategy, the Nighttime Knowledge Series, will engage students on educational topics using infographic displays at nighttime entry points, complemented by timed social media posts. Exam excellence Illinois State students exceededRead MoreSpecsavers - marketing1665 Words   |  7 Pagesstrong brand. The company was established as a joint venture partnership where each Specsavers opticians is legally a separate business, with 50 per cent of the shares owned by the Specsavers Optical Group. The way of integrated marketing led to increase the partnership as well as sells and profits. Today is Specsavers leaders of most its markets with its strategic objectives bring and drive more customers year to year. The idea of partnership with optometries and manufacturers gave Specsavers competitiveRead MoreYoung People Essay893 Words   |  4 Pagesworking in partnership with others is important for children and young people Partnership is driven by a desire for collaborative advantage and can offer many positive outcomes, like benefits for staff and services such as less replication between different service providers. It helps them see others point of view and it keeps them from being selfish, it helps young people interact with others to achieve a goal, and it helps them develop socially. It’s important to work in partnership with othersRead MoreThe Benefits Of Pr Planning936 Words   |  4 Pagespractitioners to execute a campaign effectively in areas such communication, budgeting, monitoring progress, key learnings and identifying areas of improvement, which in turn demonstrate credibility, alignment to organisational goals and return on investment (Public Relations Institute of Australia 2015). PRIA (2015) recommends as best practice planning for PR programs to include research, measurement and evaluation processes. Setting communication goals and objectives in the PR planning process outl inesRead MoreNational Institutes Of Deafness And Other Communication Disorders1326 Words   |  6 Pagesis approximately 37.5 million and exponentially growing (Holcomb, 2013; Emond et al., 2015; National Institutes of Deafness and other Communication Disorder [NIDCD], 2015; World Health Organization, [WHO] 2015). The challenges continue to lie in the inadequate health care provision needed to implement better care for this underserved population caused by communication barrier, extremely low health literacy, and high illiteracy (Kuenburg, Fellinger, Fellinger, 2015; Mckee, Mckee, Winters, Sutter,Read MoreMy Reflection on Mentoring, Coaching and Collaboration1345 Words   |  6 PagesI believe that the meaningful work that comes from collaborative professional development will positively impact on student learning in the classroom. The partnership principles create a safe, professional learning environment that is most likely to be effective if the process as outlined in our res ources is followed. I believe that everyone wants to be successful and given the appropriate support and tools is the way to increase the likelihood of their success. I am encouraged by Jim Knight’s

Changes to the United States from 1770-1870 free essay sample

The United States changed so many things from 1770 to 1870. The population increased drastically, from 2,148,100 in 1770 to 38,558,371 in 1870. The increase in population is caused by immigration of people to the US and slavery was another cause. Slavery and population had a big effect on the next 100 years of the United States history. The US also changed diversely with new innovations like roads, waterways, railroads, steamboats, and refrigerated railroad cars. A few new innovations that changed or improved from 1776 to 1870 are the roadways, waterways, railroads, steamboats, and refrigerated railroad cars. Roadways were an innovation that created a way for easier, and faster transportation. Waterways were also a way for transportation, to cut out a lot of lands, and cut out time. Waterways are a faster way for trade and barter. Steamboats were what pioneers used to travel down the waterways to trade and sell goods. Railroads were still used for closer travel, with items that did not need to get there as fast as possible, because railroad cars do not move very fast, although the steam engine improved the speed of transportation also. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes to the United States from 1770-1870 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The United States did make rather large changes over 100 years, from 1776 to 1870. It all started with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which lead to us fighting for our freedom. During this period of time the constitution was ratified, the Revolutionary war ends, and the Louisiana Purchase takes place. Factories advanced and cities were industrializing, and many different machines were invented that changed the way the industrial world worked. Women played an important role in the changes that were made in the US during this century. Women were not just the â€Å"stay at home and clean† women anymore, they were allowed to join the workforce and take on roles that before, only the men were allowed to have. The constitution was ratified during this time also.The United States changed in so many ways over a century. People grew in knowledge and ability to create these machines that changed the workforce. Factories were improved and the cities industrialized and caused many people to migrate to the US causing the population to increase drastically. Slavery had always been a big issue in the US, and it was decreased immensely, although the blacks were still segregated. The machines that were built innovated the way the people thought and created a new ballpark for new innovators to create new things to keep the world moving forward.